LD 42
Session - 126th Maine Legislature
C "A", Filing Number H-47, Sponsored by
LR 236
Item 2
Bill Tracking, Additional Documents Chamber Status

Amend the bill by striking out the title and substituting the following:

‘Resolve, To Require the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife To Conduct a Study on the Use of Rubber Lures and Nondegradable Fishing Hooks and Lures’

Amend the bill by striking out everything after the title and before the summary and inserting the following:

Sec. 1. Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife to study effects of artificial fishing lures made of rubber and soft plastic and nondegradable hooks for fishing. Resolved: That the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, referred to in this resolve as "the department," shall study the effects of artificial fishing lures made of rubber and soft plastic and nondegradable hooks for fishing on fish and wildlife species in the State, other states and countries. The department shall review and analyze the existing literature on the effects of artificial fishing lures made of rubber and soft plastic and the longevity of nondegradable hooks for fishing, including field and laboratory studies, and conduct direct observation of multiple species of fish in waters of the State or in waters that contain chemical characteristics that are similar to waters of the State. As part of its study, the department may seek and include in its report information obtained from fishing tackle manufacturers or fishing tackle manufacturers' associations regarding the effects of disposal and ingestion of soft baits made of rubber and soft plastic and longevity of nondegradable hooks for fishing, and the performance and durability of biodegradable alternatives; and be it further

Sec. 2. Reporting date established. Resolved: That the department shall report its findings, including recommendations and recommended legislation, to the Joint Standing Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife by January 15, 2014. The Joint Standing Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife may report out a bill relating to the subject matter of this report.’


This resolve requires the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife to study issues related to the effects of ingestion of artificial fishing lures made of rubber and soft plastic and nondegradable hooks for fishing on fish and wildlife species and inland waters in the State. The department shall report the results of its study to the Joint Standing Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife by January 15, 2014. The department is required to include recommended legislation to implement its recommendations related to the report.

(See attached)

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