HP0495 LD 722 |
Session - 126th Maine Legislature |
LR 317 Item 1 |
Bill Tracking, Additional Documents | Chamber Status |
Resolve, To Establish a Task Force To Review Section 8 Housing Construction Standards
Sec. 1. Task force established to review Section 8 housing construction standards. Resolved: That, beginning October 1, 2013, the director of the Maine State Housing Authority shall convene and coordinate a task force to review the eligibility standards for construction of housing under the United States Housing Act of 1937, Public Law 75-412, Section 8 in order to identify recommendations for improving the process, including the use of point systems, and the quality of the construction. The Maine State Housing Authority shall invite the participation in the task force of residents from communities of various population sizes; and be it further
Sec. 2. Report. Resolved: That, no later than February 1, 2014, the director of the Maine State Housing Authority shall provide a written report of the findings of the review under this resolve and any recommendations resulting from the review to the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services. The joint standing committee may report out a bill implementing the recommendations of the review to the Second Regular Session of the 126th Legislature.
This resolve establishes that, beginning October 1, 2013, the director of the Maine State Housing Authority is required to convene and coordinate a task force to review the eligibility standards for Section 8 housing construction in order to identify recommendations for improving the process, including the use of point systems, and the quality of the construction. The resolve requires the Maine State Housing Authority to invite the participation in the task force of residents from communities of various population sizes. It requires the director of the Maine State Housing Authority to provide a written report of the findings of the review and any recommendations resulting from the review to the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services. The resolve authorizes the joint standing committee to report out a bill implementing the recommendations of the review to the Second Regular Session of the 126th Legislature.