‘Joint Study Order Establishing the Commission To Study the State Board of Corrections and the Unified County Corrections System’
HP1132 | Session - 126th Maine Legislature S "A", Filing Number S-324, Sponsored by Goodall
LR 2171 Item 2 |
Bill Tracking, Additional Documents | Chamber Status |
Amend the order by striking out the title and substituting the following:
‘Joint Study Order Establishing the Commission To Study the State Board of Corrections and the Unified County Corrections System’
Amend the order in the first paragraph in the first and 2nd lines by striking out the following: "Blue Ribbon"
Amend the order in subsection 1 in paragraph D in the last line by striking out the following: "and"
Amend the order in subsection 1 by inserting after paragraph D the following:
Amend the order in subsection 1 by relettering the paragraphs to read consecutively.
Amend the order by inserting after section 5 the following:
‘6. Meetings. The commission is authorized to meet up to 6 times.’
Amend the order by renumbering any nonconsecutive section number to read consecutively.
This amendment changes the name of the entity performing the study, changes the composition of the entity to include 2 legislative members and specifies that the commission is authorized to meet up to 6 times.