LD 1589
RESOLVE Chapter 97

on - Session - 126th Maine Legislature
Bill Tracking, Additional Documents Chamber Status

Resolve, To Ensure Notification to the Public of the Location in Maine of Persons Convicted in Foreign Countries of Certain Crimes

Sec. 1. Convene task force. Resolved: That the Commissioner of Public Safety shall convene a task force to develop a procedure for notifying affected members of the public of the location in this State of a person who was convicted in a foreign country of a crime that, if committed in this State, would subject a person to inclusion on this State's sex offender registry. The task force must be composed of 3 members of the Maine Sheriffs' Association or their designees, 3 members of the Maine Chiefs of Police Association or their designees, the Attorney General or a designee and the commissioner or a designee. The commissioner shall submit a report of the task force's findings to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over criminal justice and public safety matters by December 3, 2014.

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